Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fundraising Tree

You’ve heard of a family tree, but have you heard of a fundraising tree? Create one for each of your fundraising sellers and watch the levels of your fundraising thermometer soar! 
It is a tool that can be easily created. Simply set up a chart similar to a family tree, each seller should have their own. The seller will list their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Next, branched off each relative, include friends, co-workers and other people the seller may know. This process will help the sellers bring to mind more prospects than they typically would otherwise. 
After the process is completed, have the sellers share some of the people they listed, it may prompt others to include more potential customers that they had not already made note of listing. For example, the below fundraising tree for a school fundraiser lists people from Girl Scouts, another seller may not have thought of including friends from extra-curricular activities. 

Fundraising Tree Example